Cabin Fever

By January 4, 2019
  • January 19, 2019
    10:00 am - 12:30 pm

I am proud to be a part of “Cabin Fever” a fine art retreat held at Mispillion Art League in Milford DE. This is a 1 day, 4 workshop event. The date is Saturday January 19th (snow date January 20th). Ages 16 and up are welcome. The cost is $40.00 for 1 workshop and $75.00 for 2 for members. And it is $50.00 and $90.00 respectively for non members.

The workshops are as follows:

10:00 Am -12:30 Techniques of drawing with pen and ink with Robin Dean

10:00 – 12:30  Introduction to line Drawing in pencil with Joe Terrone

1:00 – 3:30 Techniques of painting in watercolor with Gerilyn Gaskin and Isabel Pizzolato

1:00 – 3:30 Techniques of painting in Acrylics with Robin Dean

Call the Art League with more questions and registration information. (301) 424 8361