Plein Air Painting

By November 15, 2021
  • May 16, 2024 - June 27, 2024
    11:00 am - 2:00 pm

This is a class geared toward demystifying Plein Air Painting.  It will give you all the information you need to paint in a natural setting. You will learn the basic skills of plein air painting, including atmospheric perspective, linear perspective, the theory of Angles, defraction, gradation and reflection. We will talk about  color theory as well as how to handle all that nature presents to you. You will learn how to deal with changing light,  wind, rain , bugs, animals as well as the occasional passerby. The class will be held inside as well as outside (weather dictating). Join me in experiencing the amazing  world of plain air painting.


Location: Mispillion Art League, 5 North Walnut Street, Milford, DE 19971

Materials: Below is a list for oil painters. If  your working in acrylics contact me for a list

Gamblin Paint, Utrecht, Winsor Newton or equivalent- Do Not use student grade paint, you will only have to replace it as you get better. Since it will not mix well and lacks intensity you put yourself at a disadvantage from the start.

  1. Cadmium Lemon Yellow or cadmium free Lemon Yellow
  2. Cadmium Yellow medium or cadmium free Yellow Medium
  3. Cadmium Orange or cadmium free Orange
  4. Yellow ochre
  5. burnt sienna
  6. Cadmium Red light or cadmium free Red light
  7. Alizarin Crimson
  8. Ultramarine Blue
  9. Pthalo Blue
  10. Titanium White
  11. Zinc White
  12. Viridian Green

Get a good or intermediate quality brush. Get both bristle brushes and soft synthetic or sable brushes . Look for quality brushes ( suggested : Robert Simmons, Isabey, or Rosemary brushes are all good.
Synthetic sizes: Round,2 ; Filbert 8,10,
bristle sizes: Bright 2,6, Filbert,4,8; Flat4

A mixture of painting knives with wood handles. Get at least one small triangle and a medium triangle.

Palette cup for medium that seals and a metal/ plastic or glass cup that seals to hold turpentine. An example of the later would be the stainless steel brush washer that Judsonsart makes…

Odorless turpenoid ( blue and white can only)  do not get the all natural one.

Refined linseed or walnut oil

A color Wheel

a palette (either wood, glass or paper)

rags or paper towels

canvas or canvas panels, suggested sizes 8 x10, or 11 x 14 or 16 x 20

view finder (google view catcher)

Contact me if you are using water based oils or acrylics

Participant Information

Max Students: 10 Students
Proficiency level: Beginner through advanced
Register with Rehoboth Art League

Price Qty*
Free Ticket show details + $0.00 (USD)   Expired