Marthas VineyardI want to welcome you to my website. I hope to use this blog as a source of information for you as well as a dialogue for all of us. Please feel free to join in with your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. It is my belief that artist are generally a lonely bunch. We work in solitude most of the time, and when we are not alone we tend to be in competition with each other. Many of us seek out companionship in various ways. As a plein air painter I am fortunate to often meet people on the streets. Some are shy about approaching me. Others feel fine with the interaction. Many artists shy away from interacting with the public but I love making new acquaintances and sharing thoughts with them. I am curious about how my fellow artists deal with the solitary nature of our business and how art admirer’s feel about meeting artists both on location and in gallery settings.


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Well, I love the interaction when I am outside painting
    At the same time I do very good work when I retreat to the mountains for a few days and work in solitude. I guess I crave both interaction and solitude, always trying to find the balance.

    • Joe Terrone says:

      Liz; Thanks for the reply. I hear you about balance. How do you find peoples reaction to your being outside painting? I have met some really nice people while on site. But more often that not they just try and pass behind me without saying anything. Most of the time I wish they would just say hi. I often wonder what the issue is. Whether they are afraid, shy, intimidated, or just uninterested.

  • I feel I have some sort of responsibility to engage with people, just as we are engaging in dialogue right now. I am one of those people who love to paint, am driven to paint, create. Nevertheless, I am just another human being on my life path.

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